Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About Dr. Ogan Gurel

Dr. Gurel, originally from New York City and a graduate of Stuyvesant High School, is a physician educated at Harvard University and the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. He completed surgical internship at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and having also worked as a healthcare consultant, an international medical relief physician (in Macedonia during the NATO campaign and in Turkey after the 1999 earthquake), a medical device company CEO, and a basic biomedical researcher, Dr. Gurel has seen virtually all sides of healthcare both in the U.S. and abroad. He has been a patient (both insured and uninsured) and presently, as a self-employed consultant, he, like nearly 50 million other Americans, lacks health insurance. You can also find more information on Dr. Gurel's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ogangurel.


  1. why does he lack health insurance?

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