Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ginny in Plymouth, Indiana: At the Walgreen's where I got her story and bought seven tubes of Neosporin for my feet

Ginny in Plymouth, Indiana: At the Walgreen's where I got her story and bought seven tubes of Neosporin for my feet
Originally uploaded by walk4healthcare

Ginny lost work and took early retirement at 62 but, she told me, “The bad thing about that is that there’s no health insurance.” I nodded. “I make too much for the Indiana health care program, but not enough to pay for medial insurance. It costs at least $300 a month. I’ve got diabetes and high blood pressure and five grandchildren that live with me. My daughter is legally blind so if something happens to me, I don’t know what will happen, who will care for, the children.” Perhaps that explains why I look pretty grim in the picture. I'm inspired, and humbled, by the bravery of regular, hardworking Americans..

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